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Measuring Thousands of Medical Tapers

A manufacturer of orthopedic implants needed to improve measurement and documentation proficiency of parts with literally hundreds of configurations. Air gaging was desired because it can quickly and accurately measure precision tapers. But because air gaging is custom-made for the application, there can be just as many air tools as there are part variations — a logistics nightmare when there are thousands of component combinations.

To reduce the number of tools, Mahr designed a unique master air tool with multiple jetting and a series of spacers that allowed one tool to be used on all the various tapers, regardless of length. The gage could be zeroed on a single master spacer and the operator could measure parts by selecting the appropriate spacer.

The manufacturer also wanted to use the gage in different work cells so they could measure multiple parts from different machines. Mahr created a custom touchscreen-based gaging computer that was able to: 1) store all part files and select the right tool by part number; 2) pull the proper calibration offsets; 3) document measurements and print customer reports; and 4) store data for future documentation. Finally, separate air gaging inputs allow monitoring of different parts being machined on two different machines by different operators.

This innovative measuring system allows the manufacturer to have a universal gaging station that can be used in completely different manufacturing cells. It provides superior measuring capabilities, automated part and gage selection, and any process documentation that may be required.